Getting Started with Uno Platform: First Steps and Configuration Choices

Getting Started with Uno Platform: First Steps and Configuration Choices

For the past two weeks, I’ve been experimenting with the Uno Platform in two ways: creating small prototypes to explore features I’m curious about and downloading example applications from the Uno Gallery. In this article, I’ll explain the first steps you need to take when creating an Uno Platform application, the decisions you’ll face, and what I’ve found useful so far in my journey.

Step 1: Create a New Project

I’m using Visual Studio 2022, though the extensions and templates work well with previous versions too. I have both studio versions installed, and Uno Platform works well in both.

Step 2: Project Setup

After naming your project, it’s important to select “Place solution and project in the same directory” because of the solution layout requirements. You need the directory properties file to move forward. I’ll talk more about the solution structure in a future post, but for now, know that without checking this option, you won’t be able to proceed properly.

Step 3: The Configuration Wizard

The Uno Platform team has created a comprehensive wizard that guides you through various configuration options. It might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s better to have this guided approach where you can make one decision at a time.

Your first decision is which target framework to use. They recommend .NET 9, which I like, but in my test project, I’m working with .NET 8 because I’m primarily focused on WebAssembly output. Uno offers multi-threading in Web Assembly with .NET 8, which is why I chose it, but for new projects, .NET 9 is likely the better choice.

Step 4: Target Platforms

Next, you need to select which platforms you want to target. I always select all of them because the most beautiful aspect of the Uno Platform is true multi-targeting with a single codebase.

In the past (during the Xamarin era), you needed multiple projects with a complex directory structure. With Uno, it’s actually a single unified project, creating a clean solution layout. So while you can select just WebAssembly if that’s your only focus, I think you get the most out of Uno by multi-targeting.

Step 5: Presentation Pattern

The next question is which presentation pattern you want to use. I would suggest MVUX, though I still have some doubts as I haven’t tried MVVM with Uno yet. MVVM is the more common pattern that most programmers understand, while MVUX is the new approach.

One challenge is that when you check the official Uno sample repository, the examples come in every presentation pattern flavor. Sometimes you’ll find a solution for your task in one pattern but not another, so you may need to translate between them. You’ll likely find more examples using MVVM.

Step 6: Markup Language

For markup, I recommend selecting XAML. In my first project, I tried using C# markup, which worked well until I reached some roadblocks I couldn’t overcome. I didn’t want to get stuck trying to solve one specific layout issue, so I switched. For beginners, I suggest starting with XAML.

Step 7: Theming

For theming, you’ll need to select a UI theme. I don’t have a strong preference here and typically stick with the defaults: using Material Design, the theme service, and importing Uno DSP.

Step 8: Extensions

When selecting extensions to include, I recommend choosing almost all of them as they’re useful for modern application development. The only thing you might want to customize is the logging type (Console, Debug, or Serilog), depending on your previous experience. Generally, most applications will benefit from all the extensions offered.

Step 9: Features

Next, you’ll select which features to include in your application. For my tests, I include everything except the MAUI embedding and the media element. Most features can be useful, and I’ll show in a future post how to set them up when discussing the solution structure.

Step 10: Authentication

You can select “None” for authentication if you’re building test projects, but I chose “Custom” because I wanted to see how it works. In my case, I’m authenticating against DevExpress XAF REST API, but I’m also interested in connecting my test project to Azure B2C.

Step 11: Application ID

Next, you’ll need to provide an application ID. While I haven’t fully explored the purpose of this ID yet, I believe it’s needed when publishing applications to app stores like Google Play and the Apple App Store.

Step 12: Testing

I’m a big fan of testing, particularly integration tests. While unit tests are essential when developing components, for business applications, integration tests that verify the flow are often sufficient.

Uno also offers UI testing capabilities, which I haven’t tried yet but am looking forward to exploring. In platform UI development, there aren’t many choices for UI testing, so having something built-in is fantastic.

Testing might seem like a waste of time initially, but once you have tests in place, you’ll save time in the future. With each iteration or new release, you can run all your tests to ensure everything works correctly. The time invested in creating tests upfront pays off during maintenance and updates.

Step 13: CI Pipelines

The final step is about CI pipelines. If you’re building a test application, you don’t need to select anything. For production applications, you can choose Azure Pipelines or GitHub Actions based on your preferences. In my case, I’m not involved with CI pipeline configuration at my workplace, so I have limited experience in this area.


If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! You should now have a shiny new Uno Platform application in your IDE.

This post only covers the initial setup choices when creating a new Uno application. Your development path will differ based on the selections you’ve made, which can significantly impact how you write your code. Choose wisely and experiment with different combinations to see what works best for your needs.

During my learning journey with the Uno Platform, I’ve tried various settings—some worked well, others didn’t, but most will function if you understand what you’re doing. I’m still learning and taking a hands-on approach, relying on trial and error, occasional documentation checks, and GitHub Copilot assistance.

Thanks for reading and see you in the next post!

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My Adventures Picking a UI Framework: Why I Chose Uno Platform

My Adventures Picking a UI Framework: Why I Chose Uno Platform

This year I decided to learn something new, specifically something UI-related. Usually, I only do back-end type of code. Most of my code has no UI representation, and as you might know, that’s why I love XAF from Developer Express so much—because I don’t have to write a UI. I only have to define the business model and the actions, and then I’m good to go.

But this time, I wanted to challenge myself, so I said, “OK, let’s learn something that is UI-related.” I’ve been using .NET for about 18 years already, so I wanted to branch out while still leveraging my existing knowledge.

I was trying to decide which technology to go with, so I checked with the people in my office (XARI). We have the .NET team, which is like 99% of the people, and then we have one React person and a couple of other developers using different frameworks. They suggested Flutter, and I thought, “Well, maybe.”

I checked the setup and tried to do it on my new Surface computer, but it just didn’t work. Even though Flutter looks fine, moving from .NET (which I’ve been writing since day one in 2002) to Dart is a big challenge. I mean, writing code in any case is a challenge, but I realized that Flutter was so far away from my current infrastructure and setup that I would likely learn it and then forget it because I wouldn’t use it regularly.

Then I thought about checking React, but it was kind of the same idea. I could go deep into this for like one month, and then I would totally forget it because I wouldn’t update the tooling, and so on.

So I decided to take another look at Uno Platform. We’ve used Uno Platform in the office before, and I love this multi-platform development approach. The only problem I had at that time was that the tooling wasn’t quite there yet. Sometimes it would compile, sometimes you’d get a lot of errors, and the static analysis would throw a lot of errors too. It was kind of hard—you’d spend a lot of time setting up your environment, and compilation was kind of slow.

But when I decided to take a look again recently, I remembered that about a year ago they released new project templates and platform extensions that help with the setup of your environment. So I tried it, and it worked well! I have two clean setups right now: my new Surface computer that I reset maybe three weeks ago, and my old MSI computer with 64 gigabytes of RAM. These gave me good places to test.

I decided to go to the Uno Platform page and follow the “Getting Started” guide. The first thing you need to do is use some commands to install a tool that checks your setup to see if you have all the necessary workloads. That was super simple. Then you have to add the extension to Visual Studio—I’m using Visual Studio in this case just to add the project templates. You can do this in Rider or Visual Studio Code as well, but the traditional Visual Studio is my tool of preference.


Uno Platform – Visual Studio Marketplace


Setup your environment with uno check


After completing all the setup, you get a menu with a lot of choices, but they give you a set of recommended options that follow best practices. That’s really nice because you don’t have to think too much about it. After that, I created a few projects. The first time I compiled them, it took a little bit, but then it was just like magic—they compiled extremely fast!

You have all these choices to run your app on: WebAssembly, Windows UI, Android, and iOS, and it works perfectly. I fell in love again, especially because the tooling is actually really solid right now. You don’t have to struggle to make it work.

Since then, I’ve been checking the examples and trying to write some code, and so far, so good. I guess my new choice for a UI framework will be Uno because it builds on my current knowledge of .NET and C#. I can take advantage of the tools I already have, and I don’t have to switch languages. I just need to learn a new paradigm.

I will write a series of articles about all my adventures with Uno Platform. I’ll share links about getting started, and after this, I’ll create some sample applications addressing the challenges that app developers face: how to implement navigation, how to register services, how to work with the Model-View-ViewModel pattern, and so on.

I would like to document every challenge I encounter, and I hope that you can join me in these Uno adventures!

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State Machines and Wizard Components: A Clean Implementation Approach

State Machines and Wizard Components: A Clean Implementation Approach

This past week, I have been working on a prototype for a wizard component. As you might know, in computer interfaces, wizard components (or multi-step forms) allow users to navigate through a finite number of steps or pages until they reach the end. Wizards are particularly useful because they don’t overwhelm users with too many choices at once, effectively minimizing the number of decisions a user needs to make at any specific moment.

The current prototype is created using XAF from DevExpress. If you follow this blog, you probably know that I’m a DevExpress MVP, and I wanted to use their tools to create this prototype.

I’ve built wizard components before, but mostly in a rush. Those previous implementations had the wizard logic hardcoded directly inside the UI components, with no separation between the UI and the underlying logic. While they worked, they were quite messy. This time, I wanted to take a more structured approach to creating a wizard component, so here are a few of my findings. Most of this might seem obvious, but sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees when you’re sitting in front of the computer writing code.

Understanding the Core Concept: State Machines

To create an effective wizard component, you need to understand several underlying concepts. The idea of a wizard is actually rooted in system theory and computer science—it’s essentially an implementation of what’s called a state machine or finite state machine.

Theory of a State Machine

A state machine is the same as a finite state machine (FSM). Both terms refer to a computational model that describes a system existing in one of a finite number of states at any given time.

A state machine (or FSM) consists of:

  • States: Distinct conditions the system can be in
  • Transitions: Rules for moving between states
  • Events/Inputs: Triggers that cause transitions
  • Actions: Operations performed when entering/exiting states or during transitions

The term “finite” emphasizes that there’s a limited, countable number of possible states. This finite nature is crucial as it makes the system predictable and analyzable.

State machines come in several variants:

  • Deterministic FSMs (one transition per input)
  • Non-deterministic FSMs (multiple possible transitions per input)
  • Mealy machines (outputs depend on state and input)
  • Moore machines (outputs depend only on state)

They’re widely used in software development, hardware design, linguistics, and many other fields because they make complex behavior easier to visualize, implement, and debug. Common examples include traffic lights, UI workflows, network protocols, and parsers.

In practical usage, when someone refers to a “state machine,” they’re almost always talking about a finite state machine.

Implementing a Wizard State Machine

Here’s an implementation of a wizard state machine that separates the logic from the UI:

public class WizardStateMachineBase
    readonly List<WizardPage> _pages;
    int _currentIndex;

    public WizardStateMachineBase(IEnumerable<WizardPage> pages)
        _pages = pages.OrderBy(p => p.Index).ToList();
        _currentIndex = 0;

    public event EventHandler<StateTransitionEventArgs> StateTransition;

    public WizardPage CurrentPage => _pages[_currentIndex];

    public virtual bool MoveNext()
        if (_currentIndex < _pages.Count - 1) { var args = new StateTransitionEventArgs(CurrentPage, _pages[_currentIndex + 1]); OnStateTransition(args); if (!args.Cancel) { _currentIndex++; return true; } } return false; } public virtual bool MovePrevious() { if (_currentIndex > 0)
            var args = new StateTransitionEventArgs(CurrentPage, _pages[_currentIndex - 1]);

            if (!args.Cancel)
                return true;
        return false;

    protected virtual void OnStateTransition(StateTransitionEventArgs e)
        StateTransition?.Invoke(this, e);

public class StateTransitionEventArgs : EventArgs
    public WizardPage CurrentPage { get; }
    public WizardPage NextPage { get; }
    public bool Cancel { get; set; }

    public StateTransitionEventArgs(WizardPage currentPage, WizardPage nextPage)
        CurrentPage = currentPage;
        NextPage = nextPage;
        Cancel = false;

public class WizardPage
    public int Index { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public bool IsRequired { get; set; } = true;
    public bool IsCompleted { get; set; }
    // Additional properties specific to your wizard implementation
    public object Content { get; set; }
    public WizardPage(int index, string title)
        Index = index;
        Title = title;
    public virtual bool Validate()
        // Default implementation assumes page is valid
        // Override this method in derived classes to provide specific validation logic
        return true;

Benefits of This Approach

As you can see, by defining a state machine, you significantly narrow down the implementation possibilities. You solve the problem of “too many parts to consider” – questions like “How do I start?”, “How do I control the state?”, “Should the state be in the UI or a separate class?”, and so on. These problems can become really complicated, especially if you don’t centralize the state control.

This simple implementation of a wizard state machine shows how to centralize control of the component’s state. By separating the state management from the UI components, we create a cleaner, more maintainable architecture.

The WizardStateMachineBase class manages the collection of pages and handles navigation between them, while the StateTransitionEventArgs class provides a mechanism to cancel transitions if needed (for example, if validation fails). The newly added WizardPage class encapsulates all the information needed for each step in the wizard.

What’s Next?

The next step will be to control how the visual components react to the state of the machine – essentially connecting our state machine to the UI layer. This will include handling the display of the current page content, updating navigation buttons (previous/next/finish), and possibly showing progress indicators. I’ll cover this UI integration in my next post.

By following this pattern, you can create wizard interfaces that are not only user-friendly but also maintainable and extensible from a development perspective.

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Understanding System Abstractions for LLM Integration

Understanding System Abstractions for LLM Integration

I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while and have collected numerous notes and ideas about how to present abstractions that allow large language models (LLMs) to interact with various systems – whether that’s your database, operating system, word documents, or other applications.

Before diving deeper, let’s review some fundamental concepts:

Key Concepts

First, let’s talk about APIs (Application Programming Interface). In simple terms, an API is a way to expose methods, functions, and procedures from your application, independent of the programming language being used.

Next is the REST API concept, which is a method of exposing your API using HTTP verbs. As IT professionals, we hear these terms – HTTP, REST, API – almost daily, but we might not fully grasp their core concepts. Let me explain how they relate to software automation using AI.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is fundamentally a way for two applications to communicate using text. This is its beauty – text serves as the basic layer of understanding between systems, meaning almost any system or programming language can produce a client or server that can interact via HTTP.

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a methodology for systems to communicate and either change or read the state of another system.

Levels of System Interaction

When implementing LLMs for system automation, we first need to determine our desired level of interaction. Here are several approaches:

  1. Human-like Interaction: An LLM can interact with your operating system using mouse and keyboard inputs, effectively mimicking human behavior.
  2. REST API Integration: Your application can communicate using HTTP verbs and the REST protocol.
  3. SDK Implementation: You can create a software development kit that describes your application’s functionality and expose this to the LLM.

The connection method will vary depending on your chosen technology. For instance:

  • Microsoft Semantic Kernel allows you to create plugins that interact with your system through REST API, database, or SDK.
  • Microsoft AI extensions require you to decide on your preferred interaction level before implementation.
  • The Model Context Protocol is a newer approach that enables application exposure for LLM agents, with Claude from Anthropic being a notable example.

Implementation Considerations

When automating your system, you need to consider:

  1. Available Integration Options: Not all systems provide an SDK or API, which can limit automation possibilities.
  2. Interaction Protocol Choice: You’ll need to decide between REST API, HTTP, or Model Context Protocol.

This overview should help you understand the various levels of resolution needed to automate your application. What’s your preferred method for integrating LLMs with your applications? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences.