Joche Ojeda

Parts of a Synchronization Framework

Parts of a Synchronization Framework

In the last post, we talked about what are deltas and how by using them we can synchronize data structures. So, in this post, I will describe the necessary parts needed to implement Delta-based synchronization, let’s start Data Object: any database, object, graph, or...

Data synchronization in a few words

Data synchronization in a few words

To Synchronize data is one of the most challenging tasks out there, especially if you are working with LOB applications There are many ways to synchronize data, the most common technique is to compare records by modification date and then merge the data to create a...

Install TestCafe in Ubuntu 18.04

Install TestCafe in Ubuntu 18.04

Lately, I have been playing a lot with TestCafe which is a testing tool for website, there are 2 parts of TestCafe, the first part is TestCafe studio which is a tests editor tool where you can create or edit new tests that will be eventually used in the TestCafe test...