Running DotNet applications as a service in macOS

Running DotNet applications as a service in macOS

Running an application as a service in macOS can be accomplished using a tool called launchd. launchd is a system-wide daemon manager that is built into macOS. It can be used to run applications automatically at startup, or on a schedule. In this article, we’ll show you how to run an application as a service using launchd, and explain the difference between LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents.

Step 1: Create a launchd plist file The first step in running an application as a service using launchd is to create a property list file called a “launchd plist”. This file defines the service and its settings, including the name, program to run, and any environment variables or other settings. The plist file is an XML file and should have the extension .plist. An example of a plist file is the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Step 2: Copy the plist file to the appropriate directory Once the plist file is created, you will need to copy it to the appropriate directory. There are two main directories for launchd plist files: /Library/LaunchDaemons/ and /Library/LaunchAgents/.

The difference between LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents is that LaunchDaemons are used to run background services that do not require a user to be logged in, while LaunchAgents are used to run applications that are associated with a specific user account.

For example, if you want to run a service that starts automatically at boot time and runs in the background, you would copy the plist file to /Library/LaunchDaemons/. If you want to run an application that starts automatically when a user logs in, you would copy the plist file to /Library/LaunchAgents/.

Step 3: Load the service Once the plist file is in the appropriate directory, use the launchctl command to load the service. For example:

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.myservice.plist

Step 4: Verify that the service is running You can use the launchctl command to check the status of the service:

launchctl list

This will show all the services that are currently running, and their status.

In summary, launchd is a powerful tool built into macOS that allows you to run applications as services. To use launchd, you need to create a plist file that defines the service and its settings, then copy it to the appropriate directory, and load it using the launchctl command. The difference between LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents is that the former are used to run background services that do not require a user to be logged in, while the latter are used to run applications that are associated with a specific user account.

How to fix “The type initializer for ‘Gdip’ threw an exception” caused by the netcore framework depencency,  when you run a Xaf Blazor App on ubuntu linux 18.04

How to fix “The type initializer for ‘Gdip’ threw an exception” caused by the netcore framework depencency, when you run a Xaf Blazor App on ubuntu linux 18.04

If you are running Xaf Blazor in ubuntu 18.04 you might have seen the following exception

The type initializer for ‘Gdip’ threw an exception.
at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.ActionBase.OnHandleException(Exception e) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.ActionBase.ExecuteCore(Delegate handler, ActionBaseEventArgs eventArgs) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.PopupWindowShowAction.DoExecute(Window window) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.PopupWindowShowAction.DialogController_Accepting(Object sender, DialogControllerAcceptingEventArgs e) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule.DialogController.Accept(SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs args) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule.DialogController.acceptAction_OnExecute(Object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.SimpleAction.RaiseExecute(ActionBaseEventArgs eventArgs) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.ActionBase.ExecuteCore(Delegate handler, ActionBaseEventArgs eventArgs)

The error is caused by missing dependency, so the DotNet runtime itself will throw that exception. Also, I want to highlight that the exception is not related to XAF, you can read more about this problem here

To get the missing dependency just open a console and run the following commands

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get install -y libgdiplus






How to monitor your aspnet core application on Ubuntu Linux

How to monitor your aspnet core application on Ubuntu Linux

Here are some recommendations to host your new shiny aspnet core app on Linux in this case in Ubuntu 18.04

First, create a user with the name aspnetapp

sudo adduser myaspnetapp


after executing the command, you will have a new folder in your home directory the folder will have the same name as your username so in this case “myaspnetapp”

now let’s SSH to with the new user you just created you can do that using your favorite SSH client, for example, if you are using windows you can use putty

when you log in with the new user you will be in its home folder, now we can create a folder called app with the following command


mkdir app

your folder structure should look like this now


Now we are ready to upload the files. By now should have already compiled and publish your application to run in Linux, if you have not done that yet then you should take a look to this article

There are many options to upload a zip file but I think is the best way is to use the secure copy command from linux “scp”, I won’t explain how you should call the scp command but if you are using windows you can run that command from the WSL console and if you are using Linux the command is already built-in, anyway here is an article about it

Here I will write an example of how the scp command should look like and you adjust it to your needs

scp myaspnetapp@

so that command above will do the following, it will copy the file from the local folder to a server running on the following the IP and the folder “/home/myaspnetapp/app”

now let’s unzip the content of the folder zip with the following command



What we have done so far:

  1. We have created a user in the OS
  2. We have created a folder to host our application within the user home folder
  3. We have uploaded a zip file containing our application the folder “/home/myaspnetapp/app”


Now that the app is already in the server we need to change the permission of the folder where the app lives to 0777, you can learn more about Linux file system permissions here

Creating a service to monitor the app

The next step to monitor our app is to use systemd is an init system that provides many powerful features for starting, stopping, and managing processes.

Let’s start by creating a service file in the following path “/etc/systemd/system/”

You can do that with the following command:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/MyExecutableFile.service


here is how the content of the file should look like



Description=A description of your app


WorkingDirectory=/home/myaspnetapp /app

ExecStart= /home/ myaspnetapp /app/MyExecutableFile


# Restart service after 10 seconds if the dotnet service crashes:



SyslogIdentifier= MyExecutableFile





Here is a little explanation of what you might need to change if the file above

WorkingDirectory: this is the working directory, usually is the same where the app lives

ExecStart: This is the executable file how what will you write here will depend on your application if its self-contained you just need to write the name the full path of the executable file otherwise you need to write the path to the dotnet runtime and then the path to your dll as show below:

/usr/local/bin/dotnet /var/www/helloapp/helloapp.dll

RestartSec: this is the time to wait before trying to restart the app after if the process crashes

SyslogIdentifier: the app identifier for sys logs

User: this is really important since the app will run under this user privileges, so you need to make sure that the user exists and that is able to access the files needed to start the app

That is all that we need for the service file now we need to go back to the console and enable our new service, you can do that with the following command

sudo systemctl enable MyExecutableFile.service

To start and stop the service you can use the following commands

//To Start
sudo systemctl start MyExecutableFile.service

//To Stop
sudo systemctl status MyExecutableFile.service
























Replacing WCF with AspNetCore Rest API as transport layer for XPO

Replacing WCF with AspNetCore Rest API as transport layer for XPO

I have been using XPO from DevExpress since day one. For me is the best O.R.M in the dot net world, so when I got the news that XPO was going to be free of charge I was really happy because that means I can use it in every project without adding cost for my customers.

Nowadays all my customer needs some type of mobile development, so I have decided to master the combination of XPO and Xamarin

Now there is a problem when using XPO and Xamarin and that is the network topology, database connections are no designed for WAN networks.

Let’s take MS SQL server as an example, here are the supported communication protocols

  • TCP/IP.
  • Named Pipes

To quote what Microsoft web site said about using the protocols above in a WAN network

Named Pipes vs. TCP/IP Sockets

In a fast-local area network (LAN) environment, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Sockets and Named Pipes clients are comparable with regard to performance. However, the performance difference between the TCP/IP Sockets and Named Pipes clients becomes apparent with slower networks, such as across wide area networks (WANs) or dial-up networks. This is because of the different ways the interprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms communicate between peers.”

So, what other options do we have? Well if you are using the full DotNet framework you can use WCF.

So, it looks like WCF is the solution here since is mature and robust communication framework but there is a problem, the implementation of WCF for mono touch (Xamarin iOS) and mono droid (Xamarin Android)

You can read about Xamarin limitations in the following links



I don’t want to go into details about how the limitation of each platform affects XPO and WCF but basically the main limitation is the ability to use reflection and emit new code which is needed to generate the WCF client, also in WCF there are problems in the serialization behaviors.

Well now that we know the problem is time to talk about the solution. As you know XPO has a layered architecture ( you can read about that here

So basically, what we need to do is to replace the WCF layer with some other technology to communicate to the database server

The technology I’ve selected for this AspNetCore which I would say is a really nice technology that is modern, multi-platform and easy to use. Here below you can see what is the architecture of the solution


Rest API

So, what we need basically is to be able to communicate the data layer with the data store through a network architecture.

The network architecture that I have chosen is a rest API which is one of the strong fronts of AspNetCore. The rest API will work as the server that forward the communication from XPO to the Database and vice versa, you can find a project template of the server implementation here this implementation references one nuget where I have written the communication code, you can fine the nuget here

Also we need a client that is able to interpret the information from the rest API and feed XPO, for that I have created a special client you can find here

The client implementation has been tested in the following platforms

  • Xamarin Android
  • Xamarin iOS
  • Xamarin WPF
  • DotNetCore
  • DotNetFramework

The client implementation has been tested in the following operative systems

  • Android 5 to 9
  • iOS 9 to 11
  • MacOS: Sierra to Catalina
  • Windows 10

In this link, you can see a full implementation of the server and the clients (XAF and Xamarin)

What is next? Well here are a few topics for the upcoming posts

  • Understanding JWT tokens
  • How to secure your data store service with a JWT token
  • Hosting multiple data store with a single service
  • Implementing your own authentication method
  • Examples examples examples


How to create a self contained netcore 3 console application

How to create a self contained netcore 3 console application

I have a new project that I want to deploy and I don’t want it to depend on the dot net framework, so I decided to create a self-contained executable. At first, I thought it was an easy process and don’t get me wrong, it is, but I could not find all the pieces of the puzzle in one single blog post or youtube video, so I decided to write a really small tutorial about it, let’s begin

1 – Install the net core 3 SDK (still in preview). You can download it here 

2 – Configure Visual Studio 2019 to use the preview version of net core by going to: Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> .NET Core -> Use Previews of the .NET Core SDK.











3 – Create a new net core console application in Visual Studio 2019: File-> New -> Project

4 – Edit your csproj and add the runtime identifiers <RuntimeIdentifiers>win10-x64;osx.10.11-x64;ubuntu.16.10-x64</RuntimeIdentifiers>


4 – Open a console window in the directory where your csproject is located and run the following command to create a single executable for windows:

dotnet publish r win10x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true 

5 – If needed run the command for the others runtime identifiers

dotnet publish r osx.10.11-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true 

dotnet publish r ubuntu.16.10-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true 

Thats it for this post, it looks like net core 3 will make application distribution a piece of cake 🙂