A Beginner’s Guide to System.Security.SecurityRules and SecuritySafeCritical in C#

A Beginner’s Guide to System.Security.SecurityRules and SecuritySafeCritical in C#


A Beginner’s Guide to System.Security.SecurityRules and SecuritySafeCritical in C#


In the .NET Framework, security is a critical concern. Two attributes, System.Security.SecurityRules and SecuritySafeCritical, play a significant role in enforcing Code Access Security (CAS).


The System.Security.SecurityRules attribute specifies the set of security rules that the common language runtime should enforce for an assembly. It has two levels: Level1 and Level2.


Level1 uses the .NET Framework version 2.0 transparency rules. Here are the key rules for Level1:

  • Public security-critical types and members are treated as security-safe-critical outside the assembly.
  • Security-critical types and members must perform a link demand for full trust to enforce security-critical behavior when they are accessed by external callers.
  • Level1 rules should be used only for compatibility, such as for .NET Framework 2.0 assemblies.

[assembly: System.Security.SecurityRules(System.Security.SecurityRuleSet.Level1)]
public class MyClass
    // Your code here


The SecuritySafeCritical attribute identifies types or members as security-critical and safely accessible by transparent code. Code marked with SecuritySafeCritical must undergo a rigorous security audit to ensure that it can be used safely in a secure execution environment. It must validate the permissions of callers to determine whether they have authority to access protected resources used by the code.

public void MyMethod()
    // Your code here

Relationship between System.Security.SecurityRules and SecuritySafeCritical

The System.Security.SecurityRules and SecuritySafeCritical attributes work together to enforce security in .NET Framework. An assembly marked with SecurityRules(SecurityRuleSet.Level1) uses the .NET Framework version 2.0 transparency rules, where public security-critical types and members are treated as security-safe-critical outside the assembly.

The concept of trusted Code

Trusted code refers to code that has been granted certain permissions and is considered safe to execute. It’s a combination of techniques, policies, and procedures for which there is no plausible scenario in which a document retrieved from or reproduced by the system could differ substantially from the document that is originally stored. In other words, trusted code certifies that electronically stored information (ESI) is an authentic copy of the original document or information.

Use Cases and Examples

Consider a scenario where you have a method that performs a critical operation, such as accessing a protected resource. You want to ensure that this method can only be called by trusted code. You can mark this method as SecuritySafeCritical to enforce this.

public void AccessProtectedResource()
    // Code to access protected resource

In this case, the AccessProtectedResource method can only be called by code that has been granted the necessary permissions. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to the protected resource.


Understanding the System.Security.SecurityRules and SecuritySafeCritical attributes is crucial when developing secure .NET applications. By using these attributes correctly, you can enforce robust security rules and protect your application from potential threats. Always remember, with great power comes great responsibility!

I hope this article helps you understand these concepts better. Happy coding! šŸ˜Š


An Introduction to Dynamic Proxies and Their Application in ORM Libraries with Castle.Core

An Introduction to Dynamic Proxies and Their Application in ORM Libraries with Castle.Core

Castle.Core: A Favourite Among C# Developers

Castle.Core, a component of the Castle Project, is an open-source project that provides common abstractions, including logging services. It has garnered popularity in the .NET community, boasting over 88 million downloads.

Dynamic Proxies: Acting as Stand-Ins

In the realm of programming, a dynamic proxy is a stand-in or surrogate for another object, controlling access to it. This proxy object can introduce additional behaviours such as logging, caching, or thread-safety before delegating the call to the original object.

The Impact of Dynamic Proxies

Dynamic proxies are instrumental in intercepting method calls and implementing aspect-oriented programming. This aids in managing cross-cutting concerns like logging and transaction management.

Castle DynamicProxy: Generating Proxies at Runtime

Castle DynamicProxy, a feature of Castle.Core, is a library that generates lightweight .NET proxies dynamically at runtime. It enables operations to be performed before and/or after the method execution on the actual object, without altering the class code.

Dynamic Proxies in the Realm of ORM Libraries

Dynamic proxies find significant application in Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Libraries. ORM allows you to interact with your database, such as SQL Server, Oracle, or MySQL, in an object-oriented manner. Dynamic proxies are employed in ORM libraries to create lightweight objects that mirror database records, facilitating efficient data manipulation and retrieval.

Here’s a simple example of how to create a dynamic proxy using Castle.Core:

using Castle.DynamicProxy;

public class SimpleInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        Console.WriteLine("Before target call");
            invocation.Proceed(); //Calls the decorated instance.
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("Target threw an exception!");
            Console.WriteLine("After target call");

public class SomeClass
    public virtual void SomeMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("SomeMethod in SomeClass called");

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator();
        SimpleInterceptor interceptor = new SimpleInterceptor();
        SomeClass proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy(interceptor);


Castle.Core and its DynamicProxy feature are invaluable tools for C# programmers, enabling efficient handling of cross-cutting concerns through the creation of dynamic proxies. With over 825.5 million downloads, Castle.Core’s widespread use in the .NET community underscores its utility. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced C# programmer, understanding and utilizing dynamic proxies, particularly in ORM libraries, can significantly boost your programming skills. Dive into Castle.Core and dynamic proxies in your C# projects and take your programming skills to the next level. Happy coding!

Finding Out the Invoking Methods in .NET

Finding Out the Invoking Methods in .NET

Finding Out the Invoking Methods in .NET

In .NET, it’s possible to find out the methods that are invoking a specific method. This can be particularly useful when you don’t have the source code available. One way to achieve this is by throwing an exception and examining the call stack. Here’s how you can do it:

Throwing an Exception

First, within the method of interest, you need to throw an exception. Here’s an example:

public void MethodOfInterest()
    throw new Exception("MethodOfInterest was called");

Catching the Exception

Next, you need to catch the exception in a higher level method that calls the method of interest:

public void InvokingMethod()
    catch (Exception ex)

In the catch block, we print the stack trace of the exception to the console. The stack trace is a string that represents a stack of method calls that leads to the location where the exception was thrown.

Examining the Call Stack

The call stack is a list of all the methods that were in the process of execution at the time the exception was thrown. By examining the call stack, you can see which methods were invoking the method of interest.

Here’s an example of what a call stack might look like:

at Namespace.MethodOfInterest() in C:\Path\To\File.cs:line 10
at Namespace.InvokingMethod() in C:\Path\To\File.cs:line 20

In this example, InvokingMethod was the method that invoked MethodOfInterest.


By throwing an exception and examining the call stack, you can find out which methods are invoking a specific method in .NET. This can be a useful debugging tool, especially when you don’t have the source code available.

Understanding AppDomains in .NET Framework and .NET 5 to 8

Understanding AppDomains in .NET Framework and .NET 5 to 8

Understanding AppDomains in .NET Framework and .NET 5 to 8

AppDomains, or Application Domains, have been a fundamental part of isolation and security in the .NET Framework, allowing multiple applications to run under a single process without affecting each other. However, the introduction of .NET Core and its evolution through .NET 5 to 8 has brought significant changes to how isolation and application boundaries are handled. This article will explore the concept of AppDomains in the .NET Framework, their transition and replacement in .NET 5 to 8, and provide code examples to illustrate these differences.

AppDomains in .NET Framework

In the .NET Framework, AppDomains served as an isolation boundary for applications, providing a secure and stable environment for code execution. They enabled developers to load and unload assemblies without affecting the entire application, facilitating application updates, and minimizing downtime.

Creating an AppDomain

using System;

namespace NetFrameworkAppDomains
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a new application domain
            AppDomain newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("NewAppDomain");

            // Load an assembly into the application domain

            // Unload the application domain

AppDomains in .NET 5 to 8

With the shift to .NET Core and its successors, the concept of AppDomains was deprecated, reflecting the platform’s move towards cross-platform compatibility and microservices architecture. Instead of AppDomains, .NET 5 to 8 emphasizes on assembly loading contexts for isolation and the use of containers (like Docker) for application separation.

AssemblyLoadContext in .NET 5 to 8

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Loader;

namespace NetCoreAssemblyLoading
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a new AssemblyLoadContext
            var loadContext = new AssemblyLoadContext("MyLoadContext", true);

            // Load an assembly into the context
            Assembly assembly = loadContext.LoadFromAssemblyPath("MyAssembly.dll");

            // Execute a method from the assembly (example method)
            MethodInfo methodInfo = assembly.GetType("MyNamespace.MyClass").GetMethod("MyMethod");
            methodInfo.Invoke(null, null);

            // Unload the AssemblyLoadContext

Differences and Considerations

  • Isolation Level: AppDomains provided process-level isolation without needing multiple processes. In contrast, AssemblyLoadContext provides a lighter-weight mechanism for loading assemblies but doesn’t offer the same isolation level. For higher isolation, .NET 5 to 8 applications are encouraged to use containers or separate processes.
  • Compatibility: AppDomains are specific to the .NET Framework and are not supported in .NET Core and its successors. Applications migrating to .NET 5 to 8 need to adapt their architecture to use AssemblyLoadContext or explore alternative isolation mechanisms like containers.
  • Performance: The move away from AppDomains to more granular assembly loading and containers reflects a shift towards microservices and cloud-native applications, where performance, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility are prioritized.


While the transition from AppDomains to AssemblyLoadContext and container-based isolation marks a significant shift in application architecture, it aligns with the modern development practices and requirements of .NET applications. Understanding these differences is crucial for developers migrating from the .NET Framework to .NET 5 to

User-Defined Functions in SQLite: Enhancing SQL with Custom C# Procedures

User-Defined Functions in SQLite: Enhancing SQL with Custom C# Procedures

SQLite, known for its simplicity and lightweight architecture, offers unique opportunities for developers to integrate custom functions directly into their applications. Unlike most databases that require learning an SQL dialect for procedural programming, SQLite operates in-process with your application. This design choice allows developers to define functions using their application’s programming language, enhancing the database’s flexibility and functionality.

Scalar Functions

Scalar functions in SQLite are designed to return a single value for each row in a query. Developers can define new scalar functions or override built-in ones using the CreateFunction method. This method supports various data types for parameters and return types, ensuring versatility in function creation. Developers can specify the state argument to pass a consistent value across all function invocations, avoiding the need for closures. Additionally, marking a function as isDeterministic optimizes query compilation by SQLite if the function’s output is predictable based on its input.

Example: Adding a Scalar Function

    (double radius, double height) => Math.PI * Math.Pow(radius, 2) * height);

var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = @"
    SELECT name,
           volume(radius, height) AS volume
    FROM cylinder
    ORDER BY volume DESC


SQLite implements several operators as scalar functions. Defining these functions in your application overrides the default behavior of these operators. For example, functions like glob, like, and regexp can be custom-defined to change the behavior of their corresponding operators in SQL queries.

Example: Defining the regexp Function

    (string pattern, string input) => Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern));

var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = @"
    SELECT count()
    FROM user
    WHERE bio REGEXP '\w\. {2,}\w'
var count = command.ExecuteScalar();

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions return a consolidated value from multiple rows. Using CreateAggregate, developers can define and override these functions. The seed argument sets the initial context state, and the func argument is executed for each row. The resultSelector parameter, if specified, calculates the final result from the context after processing all rows.

Example: Creating an Aggregate Function for Standard Deviation

    (Count: 0, Sum: 0.0, SumOfSquares: 0.0),
    ((int Count, double Sum, double SumOfSquares) context, double value) => {
        context.Sum += value;
        context.SumOfSquares += value * value;
        return context;
    context => {
        var variance = context.SumOfSquares - context.Sum * context.Sum / context.Count;
        return Math.Sqrt(variance / context.Count);

var command = connection.CreateCommand
command.CommandText = @"
SELECT stdev(gpa)
FROM student
var stdDev = command.ExecuteScalar();


When a user-defined function throws an exception in SQLite, the message is returned to the database engine, which then raises an error. Developers can customize the SQLite error code by throwing a SqliteException with a specific SqliteErrorCode.


SQLite directly invokes the implementation of user-defined functions, allowing developers to insert breakpoints and leverage the full .NET debugging experience. This integration facilitates debugging and enhances the development of robust, error-free custom functions.

This article illustrates the power and flexibility of SQLite’s approach to user-defined functions, demonstrating how developers can extend the functionality of SQL with the programming language of their application, thereby streamlining the development process and enhancing database interaction.

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Blazor WebAssembly and SQLite: Unleashing the Full Potential of Client-Side Data

Blazor WebAssembly and SQLite: Unleashing the Full Potential of Client-Side Data

In the evolving panorama of contemporary web application development, a technology that has particularly caught attention is Microsoft’s Blazor WebAssembly. This powerful tool allows for a transformative approach to managing and interacting with client-side data, offering innovative capabilities that are shaping the future of web applications.

Understanding Blazor WebAssembly


Blazor WebAssembly is a client-side web framework from Microsoft. It allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. As the name suggests, it uses WebAssembly, a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine, providing developers with the ability to run client-side web applications directly in the browser using .NET.


The Power of SQLite


SQLite, on the other hand, is a software library that provides a relational database management system (RDBMS). It operates directly on disk files without the need for a separate server process, making it ideal for applications that need local storage. It’s compact, requires zero-configuration, and supports most of the SQL standard, making it an excellent choice for client-side data storage and manipulation.


Combining Blazor WebAssembly with SQLite


By combining these two technologies, you can unlock the full potential of client-side data handling. Here’s how:


Self-Contained and Cross-Platform Development


Both Blazor WebAssembly and SQLite are self-contained systems, requiring no external dependencies. They also both provide excellent cross-platform support. This makes your applications highly portable and reduces the complexity of the development environment.

Offline Availability


SQLite enables the storage of data directly in the client’s browser, allowing your Blazor applications to work offline. Changes made offline can be synced with the server database once the application goes back online, providing a seamless user experience.


Superior Performance


Blazor WebAssembly runs directly in the browser, offering near-native performance. SQLite, being a lightweight yet powerful database, reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files, providing high-speed data access. This combination ensures your application runs quickly and smoothly.


Full .NET Support and Shared Codebase

With Blazor, you can use .NET for both client and server-side code, enabling code sharing and eliminating the need to switch between languages. Coupled with SQLite, developers can use Entity Framework Core to interact with the database, maintaining a consistent, .NET-centric development experience.


Where does the magic happens?


The functionality of SQLite with WebAssembly may vary based on your target framework. If you’re utilizing .NET 6 and Microsoft.Data.SQLite 6, your code will reference SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_e_sqlite3 version 2.0.6. This bundle doesn’t include the native SQLite reference, as demonstrated in the following image

This implies that you’ll need to rely on .NET 6’s native dependencies to include your custom version of lib.e_sqlite3, compiled specifically for WebAssembly. For more detailed information about native dependencies, please refer to the provided links.



If you’re using .NET 7 or later, your reference from Microsoft.Data.SQLite will depend on SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_e_sqlite3 version 2.1.5. This bundle provides several targets for the native SQLite library (e_sqlite3), as can see in the accompanying image.

This indicates that we can utilize SQLite on any platform supported by .NET, provided that we supply the native reference for SQLite.



Blazor WebAssembly and SQLite together offer a compelling option for developers looking to leverage the power of client-side data. Their combination enables the development of web applications with high performance, offline availability, and a unified language platform.

This potent mix empowers developers to rethink what’s possible with web application development, pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve with client-side data storage and manipulation. In a world where user experience is paramount, the coupling of these technologies truly helps in unleashing the full potential of client-side data.