Understanding AppDomains in .NET Framework and .NET 5 to 8

Understanding AppDomains in .NET Framework and .NET 5 to 8

Understanding AppDomains in .NET Framework and .NET 5 to 8

AppDomains, or Application Domains, have been a fundamental part of isolation and security in the .NET Framework, allowing multiple applications to run under a single process without affecting each other. However, the introduction of .NET Core and its evolution through .NET 5 to 8 has brought significant changes to how isolation and application boundaries are handled. This article will explore the concept of AppDomains in the .NET Framework, their transition and replacement in .NET 5 to 8, and provide code examples to illustrate these differences.

AppDomains in .NET Framework

In the .NET Framework, AppDomains served as an isolation boundary for applications, providing a secure and stable environment for code execution. They enabled developers to load and unload assemblies without affecting the entire application, facilitating application updates, and minimizing downtime.

Creating an AppDomain

using System;

namespace NetFrameworkAppDomains
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a new application domain
            AppDomain newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("NewAppDomain");

            // Load an assembly into the application domain

            // Unload the application domain

AppDomains in .NET 5 to 8

With the shift to .NET Core and its successors, the concept of AppDomains was deprecated, reflecting the platform’s move towards cross-platform compatibility and microservices architecture. Instead of AppDomains, .NET 5 to 8 emphasizes on assembly loading contexts for isolation and the use of containers (like Docker) for application separation.

AssemblyLoadContext in .NET 5 to 8

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Loader;

namespace NetCoreAssemblyLoading
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a new AssemblyLoadContext
            var loadContext = new AssemblyLoadContext("MyLoadContext", true);

            // Load an assembly into the context
            Assembly assembly = loadContext.LoadFromAssemblyPath("MyAssembly.dll");

            // Execute a method from the assembly (example method)
            MethodInfo methodInfo = assembly.GetType("MyNamespace.MyClass").GetMethod("MyMethod");
            methodInfo.Invoke(null, null);

            // Unload the AssemblyLoadContext

Differences and Considerations

  • Isolation Level: AppDomains provided process-level isolation without needing multiple processes. In contrast, AssemblyLoadContext provides a lighter-weight mechanism for loading assemblies but doesn’t offer the same isolation level. For higher isolation, .NET 5 to 8 applications are encouraged to use containers or separate processes.
  • Compatibility: AppDomains are specific to the .NET Framework and are not supported in .NET Core and its successors. Applications migrating to .NET 5 to 8 need to adapt their architecture to use AssemblyLoadContext or explore alternative isolation mechanisms like containers.
  • Performance: The move away from AppDomains to more granular assembly loading and containers reflects a shift towards microservices and cloud-native applications, where performance, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility are prioritized.


While the transition from AppDomains to AssemblyLoadContext and container-based isolation marks a significant shift in application architecture, it aligns with the modern development practices and requirements of .NET applications. Understanding these differences is crucial for developers migrating from the .NET Framework to .NET 5 to

Carbon Sequestration: A Vital Process for Climate Change Mitigation

Carbon Sequestration: A Vital Process for Climate Change Mitigation

Carbon sequestration is a critical process that captures and stores carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, playing a significant role in mitigating the effects of global climate change caused by elevated levels of carbon dioxide.

The Carbon Cycle

Carbon, a vital element for life, circulates in various forms on Earth, combining with oxygen to form carbon dioxide (CO2), a gas that traps heat. This gas is emitted both naturally and through human activities, mainly from the combustion of fossil fuels.

Types of Carbon Sequestration

Carbon sequestration is divided into two categories: biological and geological.

Biological Carbon Sequestration

This type of sequestration involves the storage of CO2 in vegetation, soils, and oceans. Plants absorb carbon during photosynthesis, converting it into soil organic carbon (SOC).

Geological Carbon Sequestration

Geological sequestration refers to the storage of CO2 in underground geological formations. The CO2 is liquefied under pressure and injected into porous rock formations.

What Happens to Sequestered Carbon?

Sequestered carbon undergoes various processes. In biological sequestration, it is stored in plant matter and soil, potentially being released back into the atmosphere upon the death of the plant or disturbance of the soil. In geological sequestration, CO2 is stored deep underground, where it may eventually dissolve in subsurface waters.

Side Effects of Carbon Sequestration

While carbon sequestration offers a promising solution to climate change, it comes with potential side effects. For geological sequestration, risks include leakage due to rock layer fractures or well issues, which could contaminate soil and groundwater. Additionally, CO2 injections might trigger seismic events or cause pH levels in water to drop, leading to rock weathering.

In conclusion, carbon sequestration presents a viable method for reducing the human carbon footprint, but its potential side effects and the sequestered carbon must be carefully monitored.

Sources of Information

  • “Carbon Sequestration”, National Geographic
  • “Carbon Sequestration”, U.S. Department of Energy
  • “Geological Carbon Sequestration”, U.S. Geological Survey
  • “Seismic events triggered by CO2 injection”, ScienceDirect
  • “Effects of CO2 on pH of water samples”, Journal of Environmental Science
  • “Soil Organic Carbon”, Soil Science Society of America
  • “Carbon Sequestration in Subsurface Waters”, Nature Geoscience
Understanding Carbon Credit Allowances

Understanding Carbon Credit Allowances

Understanding Carbon Credit Allowances

Carbon credit allowances are a key component in the fight against climate change. They are part of a cap-and-trade system designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by setting a limit on emissions and allowing the trading of emission units, which are known as carbon credits. One carbon credit is equivalent to one ton of carbon dioxide or the mass of another greenhouse gas with a similar global warming potential1.

How Carbon Credit Allowances Work

In a cap-and-trade system, a governing body sets a cap on the total amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted by all covered entities. This cap is typically reduced over time to encourage a gradual reduction in overall emissions. Entities that emit greenhouse gases must hold sufficient allowances to cover their emissions, and they can obtain these allowances through initial allocation, auction, or trading with other entities.

Entities Issuing Carbon Credit Allowances in North America

In North America, several entities are responsible for issuing carbon credit allowances:

  • California Air Resources Board (CARB): CARB oversees California’s cap-and-trade program, which is one of the largest in the world. It issues allowances that can be traded within California and with linked programs4.
  • Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI): RGGI is a cooperative effort among Eastern states to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector. It provides allowances through auctions2.
  • Quebec’s Cap-and-Trade System: Quebec has linked its cap-and-trade system with California’s, forming a large carbon market in North America. The government of Quebec issues offset credits4.

Additionally, there are voluntary standards and registries such as Verra, the Climate Action Reserve, the American Carbon Registry, and Gold Standard that develop and certify projects for carbon credits used in quasi-compliance markets like CORSIA and Emission Trading Schemes1.


Carbon credit allowances are an essential tool for managing greenhouse gas emissions and incentivizing the reduction of carbon footprints. The entities mentioned above play a pivotal role in the North American carbon market, providing the framework for a sustainable future.

For more information on these entities and their programs, you can visit their respective websites:

By understanding and participating in carbon credit allowance systems, businesses and individuals can contribute to the global effort to mitigate climate change and move towards a greener economy.


Good News for Copilot Users: Generative AI for All!

Good News for Copilot Users: Generative AI for All!

Good News for Copilot Users: Generative AI for All!

Exciting developments are underway for users of Microsoft Copilot, as the tool expands its reach and functionality, promising a transformative impact on both professional and personal spheres. Let’s dive into the heart of these latest updates and what they mean for you.

Copilot’s Expanding Horizon

Originally embraced by industry giants like Visa, BP, Honda, and Pfizer, and with support from partners including Accenture, KPMG, and PwC, Microsoft Copilot has already been making waves in the business world. Notably, an impressive 40% of Fortune 100 companies participated in the Copilot Early Access Program, indicating its wide acceptance and potential.

Copilot Pro: A Game Changer for Individuals

The big news is the launch of Copilot Pro, specifically designed for individual users. This is a significant step in democratizing the power of generative AI, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Three Major Enhancements for Organizations

  1. Copilot for Microsoft 365 Now Widely Available: Small and medium-sized businesses, ranging from solo entrepreneurs to fast-growing startups with up to 300 people, can now leverage the full power of Copilot as it becomes generally available for Microsoft 365.
  2. No More Seat Limits: The previous requirement of a 300-seat minimum purchase for Copilot’s commercial plans has been lifted, offering greater flexibility and scalability for businesses.
  3. Expanded Eligibility: In a strategic move, Microsoft has removed the necessity for a Microsoft 365 subscription to use Copilot. Now, Office 365 E3 and E5 customers are also eligible, widening the potential user base.

A Future Fueled by AI

This expansion marks a new chapter for Copilot, now available to a vast range of users, from individuals to large enterprises. The anticipation is high to see the innovative ways in which these diverse groups will utilize Copilot.

Stay Updated

For more in-depth information and to stay abreast of the latest developments in this exciting journey of Microsoft Copilot, be sure to check out Yusuf Mehdi’s blog. You can find the link in the comments below.

Link to Yusuf Mehdi’s blog

Carbon Credits 101

Carbon Credits 101

What Are Carbon Credits?

Carbon credits are a key component in national and international emissions trading schemes to control carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. One carbon credit represents the right to emit one metric ton of CO2 or an equivalent amount of other greenhouse gases.

The Theory Behind Carbon Credits

The idea is to reduce emissions by giving companies a financial incentive to lower their carbon footprint. If a company emits less than its allowance, it can sell its excess credits to another company that exceeds its limits. This creates a market for carbon credits, making it financially beneficial for companies to invest in cleaner technologies.

Carbon Credits: A Teenager’s Analogy

Let’s break it down with an example that’s easy to understand:

Imagine you’re a teenager with a weekly allowance, and you’re only allowed to spend it on certain things. If you want to buy something that’s not on the list, you need a special “permission slip” from someone who has extra and doesn’t need it.

Carbon credits work similarly. Companies are given a limit on how much they can pollute. If they want to pollute more, they need to buy carbon credits from others who haven’t used up their limit. This system caps total pollution and encourages companies to pollute less because they can sell their extra credits if they’re under the limit.

It’s like a game where the goal is to pollute less and earn or save money by not using up your “pollution allowance.” The less you pollute, the more credits you have to sell, and the more money you can make. It’s a way to motivate companies to be more environmentally friendly.


In summary, carbon credits are an innovative solution to a global problem, offering a way to balance economic growth with environmental responsibility. By turning carbon emissions into a commodity, we can create a market that rewards sustainability and penalizes waste.

Thank you for reading, and I hope this article has shed some light on the concept of carbon credits. Stay tuned, as I’ll be exploring this topic and other environmental issues more in the future. Together, we can make a difference for our planet. Goodbye for now, and keep thinking green!


SQLite and Its Journal Modes

SQLite and Its Journal Modes

SQLite and Its Journal Modes: Understanding the Differences and Advantages

SQLite, an acclaimed lightweight database engine, is widely used in various applications due to its simplicity, reliability, and open-source nature. One of the critical aspects of SQLite that ensures data integrity and supports various use-cases is its “journal mode.” This mode is a part of SQLite’s transaction mechanism, which is vital for maintaining database consistency. In this article, we’ll explore the different journal modes available in SQLite and their respective advantages.

Understanding Journal Modes in SQLite

Journal modes in SQLite are methods used to handle transactions and rollbacks. They dictate how the database engine logs changes and how it recovers in case of failures or rollbacks. There are several journal modes available in SQLite, each with unique characteristics suited for different scenarios.

1. Delete Mode

The default mode in SQLite, Delete mode, creates a rollback journal file alongside the database file. This file records a copy of the original unchanged data before any modifications.


  • Simplicity: Easy to understand and use, making it ideal for basic applications.
  • Reliability: It ensures data integrity by preserving original data until the transaction is committed.

2. Truncate Mode

Truncate mode operates similarly to Delete mode, but instead of deleting the journal file at the end of a transaction, it truncates it to zero length.


  • Faster Commit: Reduces the time to commit transactions, as truncating is generally quicker than deleting.
  • Reduced Disk Space Usage: By truncating the file, it avoids leaving large, unused files on the disk.

3. Persist Mode

In Persist mode, the journal file is not deleted or truncated but is left on the disk with its header marked as inactive.


  • Reduced File Operations: This mode minimizes file system operations, which can be beneficial in environments where these operations are expensive.
  • Quick Restart: It allows for faster restarts of transactions in busy systems.

4. Memory Mode

Memory mode stores the rollback journal in volatile memory (RAM) instead of the disk.


  • High Performance: It offers the fastest possible transaction times since memory operations are quicker than disk operations.
  • Ideal for Temporary Databases: Best suited for databases that don’t require data persistence, like temporary caches.

5. Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) Mode

WAL mode is a significant departure from the traditional rollback journal. It writes changes to a separate WAL file without changing the original database file until a checkpoint occurs.


  • Concurrency: It allows read operations to proceed concurrently with write operations, enhancing performance in multi-user environments.
  • Consistency and Durability: Ensures data integrity and durability without locking the entire database.

6. Off Mode

This mode disables the rollback journal entirely. Transactions are not atomic in this mode.


  • Maximum Speed: It can be faster since there’s no overhead of maintaining a journal.
  • Use Case Specific: Useful for scenarios where speed is critical and data integrity is not a concern, like intermediate calculations or disposable data.


Choosing the right journal mode in SQLite depends on the specific requirements of the application. While Delete and Truncate modes are suitable for most general purposes, Persist and Memory modes serve niche use-cases. WAL mode stands out for applications requiring high concurrency and performance. Understanding these modes helps developers and database administrators optimize SQLite databases for their particular needs, balancing between data integrity, speed, and resource utilization.

In summary, SQLite’s flexibility in journal modes is a testament to its adaptability, making it a preferred choice for a wide range of applications, from embedded systems to web applications.

User-Defined Functions in SQLite: Enhancing SQL with Custom C# Procedures

User-Defined Functions in SQLite: Enhancing SQL with Custom C# Procedures

SQLite, known for its simplicity and lightweight architecture, offers unique opportunities for developers to integrate custom functions directly into their applications. Unlike most databases that require learning an SQL dialect for procedural programming, SQLite operates in-process with your application. This design choice allows developers to define functions using their application’s programming language, enhancing the database’s flexibility and functionality.

Scalar Functions

Scalar functions in SQLite are designed to return a single value for each row in a query. Developers can define new scalar functions or override built-in ones using the CreateFunction method. This method supports various data types for parameters and return types, ensuring versatility in function creation. Developers can specify the state argument to pass a consistent value across all function invocations, avoiding the need for closures. Additionally, marking a function as isDeterministic optimizes query compilation by SQLite if the function’s output is predictable based on its input.

Example: Adding a Scalar Function

    (double radius, double height) => Math.PI * Math.Pow(radius, 2) * height);

var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = @"
    SELECT name,
           volume(radius, height) AS volume
    FROM cylinder
    ORDER BY volume DESC


SQLite implements several operators as scalar functions. Defining these functions in your application overrides the default behavior of these operators. For example, functions like glob, like, and regexp can be custom-defined to change the behavior of their corresponding operators in SQL queries.

Example: Defining the regexp Function

    (string pattern, string input) => Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern));

var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = @"
    SELECT count()
    FROM user
    WHERE bio REGEXP '\w\. {2,}\w'
var count = command.ExecuteScalar();

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions return a consolidated value from multiple rows. Using CreateAggregate, developers can define and override these functions. The seed argument sets the initial context state, and the func argument is executed for each row. The resultSelector parameter, if specified, calculates the final result from the context after processing all rows.

Example: Creating an Aggregate Function for Standard Deviation

    (Count: 0, Sum: 0.0, SumOfSquares: 0.0),
    ((int Count, double Sum, double SumOfSquares) context, double value) => {
        context.Sum += value;
        context.SumOfSquares += value * value;
        return context;
    context => {
        var variance = context.SumOfSquares - context.Sum * context.Sum / context.Count;
        return Math.Sqrt(variance / context.Count);

var command = connection.CreateCommand
command.CommandText = @"
SELECT stdev(gpa)
FROM student
var stdDev = command.ExecuteScalar();


When a user-defined function throws an exception in SQLite, the message is returned to the database engine, which then raises an error. Developers can customize the SQLite error code by throwing a SqliteException with a specific SqliteErrorCode.


SQLite directly invokes the implementation of user-defined functions, allowing developers to insert breakpoints and leverage the full .NET debugging experience. This integration facilitates debugging and enhances the development of robust, error-free custom functions.

This article illustrates the power and flexibility of SQLite’s approach to user-defined functions, demonstrating how developers can extend the functionality of SQL with the programming language of their application, thereby streamlining the development process and enhancing database interaction.

Github Repo




In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, LangChain has emerged as a pivotal framework for harnessing the capabilities of large language models like GPT-3. This article delves into what LangChain is, its historical development, its applications, and concludes with its potential future impact.

What is LangChain?

LangChain is a software framework designed to facilitate the integration and application of advanced language models in various computational tasks. Developed by Shawn Presser, it stands as a testament to the growing need for accessible and versatile tools in the realm of AI and natural language processing (NLP). LangChain’s primary aim is to provide a modular and scalable environment where developers can easily implement and customize language models for a wide range of applications.

Historical Development

The Advent of Large Language Models

The genesis of LangChain is closely linked to the emergence of large language models. With the introduction of models like GPT-3 by OpenAI, the AI community witnessed a significant leap in the ability of machines to understand and generate human-like text.

Shawn Presser and LangChain

Recognizing the potential of these models, Shawn Presser embarked on developing a framework that would simplify their integration into practical applications. His vision led to the creation of LangChain, which he open-sourced to encourage community-driven development and innovation.


LangChain has found a wide array of applications, thanks to its versatile nature:

  • Customer Service: By powering chatbots with nuanced and context-aware responses, LangChain enhances customer interaction and satisfaction.
  • Content Creation: The framework assists in generating diverse forms of written content, from articles to scripts, offering tools for creativity and efficiency.
  • Data Analysis: LangChain can analyze large volumes of text, providing insights and summaries, which are invaluable in research and business intelligence.


The story of LangChain is not just about a software framework; it’s about the democratization of AI technology. By making powerful language models more accessible and easier to integrate, LangChain is paving the way for a future where AI can be more effectively harnessed across various sectors. Its continued development and the growing community around it suggest a future rich with innovative applications, making LangChain a key player in the unfolding narrative of AI’s role in our world.


Run A.I models locally with Ollama

Run A.I models locally with Ollama

Ollama AI Framework

Ollama is an advanced AI framework designed for running large language models (LLMs) locally on personal computers. It simplifies the deployment of these models by integrating model weights, configurations, and data into a single, user-friendly package. The framework is known for two key features: its Command Line Interface (CLI) Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) and its REST API.

CLI Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL)

The CLI REPL is a significant aspect of Ollama, providing an interactive shell for executing and managing models. This feature enhances usability for users who prefer command-line tools for development, testing, and interaction with LLMs.


Additionally, Ollama’s REST API expands its usability across different programming languages. This API facilitates interaction with Ollama from various environments, allowing developers to integrate LLMs into a wide range of applications.

List of Available Models in Ollama

The Ollama framework supports a variety of large language models (LLMs). Here’s a list of some of the models that Ollama can run:

  • Llama 2: A versatile model with 7 billion parameters, suitable for a variety of applications.
  • Code Llama: Tailored for coding-related tasks, with 7 billion parameters.
  • Mistral: A general-purpose 7 billion parameter model.
  • Dolphin Phi: A smaller model with 2.7 billion parameters, for less resource-intensive applications.
  • Phi-2: Similar to Dolphin Phi, with 2.7 billion parameters.
  • Neural Chat: Focused on conversational tasks, with 7 billion parameters.
  • Starling: A general-purpose model with 7 billion parameters.
  • Llama 2 Uncensored: An uncensored version of Llama 2 with 7 billion parameters.
  • Llama 2 (13B): An upscaled version with 13 billion parameters for more demanding tasks.
  • Llama 2 (70B): The largest variant with 70 billion parameters, aimed at complex applications.
  • Orca Mini: A smaller model with 3 billion parameters for applications with limited resources.
  • Vicuna: Another 7 billion parameter model for various tasks.
  • LLaVA: With 7 billion parameters, suitable for general-purpose applications.

Note: These models have different computational and memory requirements. It’s recommended to have at least 8 GB of RAM for the 7 billion parameter models, 16 GB for the 13 billion models, and 32 GB for the 70 billion models.

Overall, Ollama is distinguished by its ability to run LLMs locally, leading to advantages like reduced latency, no data transfer costs, increased privacy, and extensive customization of models. Its support for a variety of open-source models and adaptability for use with different programming languages, including Python, make it versatile for various applications, ranging from Python development to web development.

For more information, visit the official Ollama website here and the GitHub page here.

Understanding LLM Limitations and the Advantages of RAG

Understanding LLM Limitations and the Advantages of RAG

Navigating the Limitations of Large Language Models: Understanding Outdated Information, Lack of Data Sources, and the Comparative Advantages of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)


In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence, Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s GPT series have become central to various applications. However, despite their impressive capabilities, these models exhibit certain undesirable behaviors that can impact their effectiveness. This article delves into two significant limitations of LLMs – outdated information and the absence of data sources – and compares their functionality with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), highlighting the advantages of RAG over traditional fine-tuning approaches in LLMs.

1. Outdated Information in Large Language Models

A prominent issue with LLMs is their reliance on pre-existing datasets that may not include the most current information. Since these models are trained on data available up to a certain point in time, any developments post-training are not captured in the model’s responses. This limitation is particularly noticeable in fields with rapid advancements like technology, medicine, and current affairs.

2. Lack of Data Source Attribution

LLMs generate responses based on patterns learned from their training data, but they do not provide references or sources for the information they present. This lack of transparency can be problematic in academic, professional, and research settings where source verification is crucial. Users may find it challenging to distinguish between factual information, well-informed guesses, and outright fabrications.

Comparing LLMs with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) presents a solution to some of the limitations faced by LLMs. RAG combines the generative capabilities of LLMs with the information retrieval aspect, pulling in data from external sources in real-time. This approach allows RAG to access and integrate the most recent information, overcoming the outdated information issue inherent in LLMs.

Why RAG Excels Over Fine-Tuning in LLMs

Fine-tuning involves additional training of a pre-trained model on a specific dataset to tailor it to particular needs or improve its performance in certain areas. While effective, fine-tuning does not address the core issues of outdated information and source attribution.

  • Dynamic Information Update: Unlike fine-tuned LLMs, RAG can access the latest information, ensuring responses are more current and relevant.
  • Source Attribution: RAG provides the ability to trace back the information to its source, enhancing credibility and reliability.
  • Customizability and Flexibility: RAG can be customized to pull information from specific databases or sources, catering to niche requirements more effectively than a broadly fine-tuned LLM.


While Large Language Models have transformed the AI landscape, their limitations, particularly regarding outdated information and lack of data source attribution, pose challenges. Retrieval-Augmented Generation offers a promising alternative, addressing these issues by integrating real-time data retrieval with generative capabilities. As AI continues to advance, the synergy between generative models and information retrieval systems like RAG is likely to become increasingly significant, paving the way for more accurate, reliable, and transparent AI-driven solutions.