SyncFramework – Planning the first implementation

SyncFramework – Planning the first implementation

Well, it’s time to create our first implementation, first, we need a place to store the deltas generated in the process of tracking changes in a data object.

To keep the Implementation simple, we will create a delta store that saves the deltas in memory. This delta store can also be used for testing purposes


public class MemoryDeltaStore : BIT.Data.Sync.DeltaStoreBase
       IList<IDelta> Deltas;

       public MemoryDeltaStore(IEnumerable<IDelta> Deltas)
           this.Deltas = new List<IDelta>(Deltas);


       protected MemoryDeltaStore()

       //TODO fix the use of MemoryDb
       public MemoryDeltaStore(DeltaStoreSettings deltaStoreSettings) : base(deltaStoreSettings)


       public async override Task SaveDeltasAsync(IEnumerable<IDelta> deltas, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
           foreach (IDelta delta in deltas)
               Deltas.Add(new Delta(delta));

       public override Task<IEnumerable<IDelta>> GetDeltasFromOtherNodes(Guid startindex, string identity, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
           var result = Deltas.Where(d => d.Index.CompareTo(startindex) > 0 && string.Compare(d.Identity, identity, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0);
           return Task.FromResult(result.Cast<IDelta>());
       public override Task<IEnumerable<IDelta>> GetDeltasAsync(Guid startindex, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
           return Task.FromResult(Deltas.Where(d => d.Index.CompareTo(startindex) > 0).ToList().Cast<IDelta>());
       Guid LastProcessedDelta;
       public override async Task<Guid> GetLastProcessedDeltaAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
           return LastProcessedDelta;

       public override async Task SetLastProcessedDeltaAsync(Guid Index, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
           LastProcessedDelta = Index;


       Guid LastPushedDelta;
       public async override Task<Guid> GetLastPushedDeltaAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
           return LastPushedDelta;

       public async override Task SetLastPushedDeltaAsync(Guid Index, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
           LastPushedDelta = Index;


       public async override Task<int> GetDeltaCountAsync(Guid startindex, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
           return Deltas.Count(d => d.Index.CompareTo(startindex) > 0);

       public async override Task PurgeDeltasAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


Now that we have a delta store in place, we need a data object, something that we can use to generate data and track how the data is changing, so again for test purposes, I have implemented a small in-memory database


public class SimpleDatabase 
       public IDeltaProcessor DeltaProcessor { get; set; }
       public string Identity { get; set; }
       public IDeltaStore DeltaStore { get; set; }
       public SimpleDatabase(IDeltaStore deltaStore, string identity,  List<SimpleDatabaseRecord> Data)
           Identity = identity;
           DeltaStore = deltaStore;
           this.Data= Data;
       List<SimpleDatabaseRecord> Data;
       public async void Update(SimpleDatabaseRecord Instance)
           var ObjectToUpdate = Data.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == Instance.Key);
           if (ObjectToUpdate != null)
               var Index = Data.IndexOf(ObjectToUpdate);
               Data[Index] = Instance;
               SimpleDatabaseModification item = new SimpleDatabaseModification(OperationType.Update, Instance);
               await SaveDelta(item);

       private async Task SaveDelta(SimpleDatabaseModification item)
           var Delta = DeltaStore.CreateDelta(Identity,item);
           await DeltaStore.SaveDeltasAsync(new List<IDelta>() { Delta }, default);

       public void Delete(SimpleDatabaseRecord Instance)
           var ObjectToDelete=  Data.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Key==Instance.Key);
       public async Task Add(SimpleDatabaseRecord Instance)
           SimpleDatabaseModification item = new SimpleDatabaseModification(OperationType.Add, Instance);
           await SaveDelta(item);

In the class above I have implemented methods to add, delete and update a record. Inside each method I create an instance of an object called SimpleDatabaseModification, I used that object to keep track of which operation is happening and keep a copy of the instance being handle at the moment, that is what we are going to save as a delta.


     public class SimpleDatabaseModification
        public OperationType Operation { get; set; }
        public SimpleDatabaseModification(OperationType operation, SimpleDatabaseRecord record)
            Operation = operation;
            Record = record;
        public SimpleDatabaseRecord Record { get; set; }


Now since the SimpleDatabase is saving the records on a list the next step is to create a processor that gets the information out of the delta and use it to recreate that list, so here is the delta processor


    public class SimpleDatabaseDeltaProcessor :DeltaProcessorBase 
        List<SimpleDatabaseRecord> _CurrentText;
        public SimpleDatabaseDeltaProcessor(DeltaStoreSettings deltaStoreSettings, List<SimpleDatabaseRecord> CurrentData) : base(deltaStoreSettings)
            _CurrentText= CurrentData;
        public override Task ProcessDeltasAsync(IEnumerable<IDelta> deltas, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            foreach (IDelta delta in deltas)
                var Modification= this.GetDeltaOperations<SimpleDatabaseModification>(delta);
                switch (Modification.Operation)
                    case OperationType.Add:
                    case OperationType.Delete:
                        var ObjectToDelete=  this._CurrentText.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Key==Modification.Record.Key);
                    case OperationType.Update:
                        var ObjectToUpdate = this._CurrentText.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == Modification.Record.Key);
                        var Index= this._CurrentText.IndexOf(ObjectToUpdate);
                        this._CurrentText[Index] = Modification.Record;
            return Task.CompletedTask;


Well, that is for this post, in the next post we will create some test scenarios to test our implementations



Synchronization Framework Base Classes

Synchronization Framework Base Classes

Now that we have defined the bases contracts necessary for synchronization, we can define some base classes that implement those contracts, the main idea behind these base classes is to, later on, add the possibility to inject configurations with .net dependency injection.

Let’s start with the delta implementation

/// <summary>
    /// An implementation of the IDelta interface, this class is primary used for serialization and transportation purpose 
    /// </summary>
    public class Delta : IDelta
        public Delta()
        public static Guid GenerateComb()
            return Provider.PostgreSql.Create();
        public Delta(string identity, byte[] operation, bool processed = false)

            Identity = identity;
            Operation = operation;
            Processed = processed;
        public Delta(IDelta Delta)

            Identity = Delta.Identity;
            Index = Delta.Index;
            Operation = Delta.Operation;

        public Delta(string identity, Guid index, byte[] operation, bool processed = false)

            Identity = identity;
            Index = index;
            Operation = operation;
            Processed = processed;
        public virtual DateTime Date { get; set; }
        public virtual string Identity { get; set; }

        public virtual Guid Index { get; set; }

        public virtual byte[] Operation { get; set; }
        public virtual bool Processed { get; set; }
        public virtual double Epoch { get; set; }


Now the delta store

   public abstract class DeltaStoreBase : IDeltaStore

       protected DeltaStoreBase()

       protected DeltaStoreSettings _deltaStoreSettings;

       public string Identity { get; private set; }

       public DeltaStoreBase(DeltaStoreSettings deltaStoreSettings)
           this._deltaStoreSettings = deltaStoreSettings;
       protected virtual void Setup()

       public abstract Task SaveDeltasAsync(IEnumerable<IDelta> deltas, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

       public abstract Task<IEnumerable<IDelta>> GetDeltasFromOtherNodes(Guid startindex, string identity, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
       //public abstract Task<IEnumerable<IDelta>> GetDeltasToSendAsync(Guid startindex, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
       public abstract Task<Guid> GetLastProcessedDeltaAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
       public abstract Task SetLastProcessedDeltaAsync(Guid Index, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

       public abstract Task<IEnumerable<IDelta>> GetDeltasAsync(Guid startindex, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

       public void SetIdentity(string Identity)
           this.Identity = Identity;

       public abstract Task<Guid> GetLastPushedDeltaAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
       public abstract Task SetLastPushedDeltaAsync(Guid Index, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

       public abstract Task<int> GetDeltaCountAsync(Guid startindex, CancellationToken cancellationToken=default);
       public abstract Task PurgeDeltasAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);

and finally, the delta processor

public abstract class DeltaProcessorBase : IDeltaProcessor
    protected DeltaStoreSettings _deltaStoreSettings;
    public DeltaProcessorBase(DeltaStoreSettings deltaStoreSettings)
        _deltaStoreSettings = deltaStoreSettings;

    public abstract Task ProcessDeltasAsync(IEnumerable<IDelta> Deltas, CancellationToken cancellationToken);


That’s it for this post, see you on the next post “Planning the first implementation”


Let’s write a Synchronization Framework in C#

Let’s write a Synchronization Framework in C#

Ok in the last post we defined the conceptual parts of a synchronization framework, now let’s create the code that represents those parts



/// <summary>
/// Represents a transaction made to the database 
/// </summary>
public interface IDelta
   double Epoch { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Who created the delta
    /// </summary>
    string Identity { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// The unique identifier of the delta
    /// </summary>
    Guid Index { get; }
    /// <summary>
    /// The database transaction(s) that represents this delta
    /// </summary>
    byte[] Operation { get; set; }  


Epoch: The date when the operation happened

Identity: Who created the delta

Index: A sortable GUID

Operation: The database transaction(s) that represents this delta


Delta Processor

public interface IDeltaProcessor
    /// <summary>
    /// Extracts the content of an IEnumerable of deltas and process it on the current data object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="deltas">an IEnumerable of deltas</param>
    /// <param name="cancellationToken">Cancellation token</param>
    /// <returns>An empty task</returns>
    Task ProcessDeltasAsync(IEnumerable<IDelta> deltas, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

As you can see the delta processor is really simple, it only contains one method that is in charge of getting the content of a group of deltas and process those differences in the current data object


Delta Store

public interface IDeltaStore
        string Identity { get; }
        void SetIdentity(string Identity);
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the IEnumerable<IDelta> of deltas in the current store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deltas">The IEnumerable<IDelta> to be saved</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns>An empty task</returns>
        Task SaveDeltasAsync(IEnumerable<IDelta> deltas, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an IEnumerable<IDelta> of deltas generated by other nodes with indeces greater than the start index 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startindex">The start index</param>
        /// <param name="myIdentity">The identity of the current node </param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">a Cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns>An IEnumerable with deltas generated by other nodes</returns>
        Task<IEnumerable<IDelta>> GetDeltasFromOtherNodes(Guid startindex, string myIdentity, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all deltas in the store with an index greater than the start index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startindex">The start index</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">a cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns>An IEnumerable of deltas</returns>
        Task<IEnumerable<IDelta>> GetDeltasAsync(Guid startindex, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the count of deltas with indeces greater that the start index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startindex">The start index</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns>The count</returns>
        Task<int> GetDeltaCountAsync(Guid startindex, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the index of the last delta process by this data object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"> cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns>The index of the last delta process by this data object</returns>
        Task<Guid> GetLastProcessedDeltaAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the index of the last delta process by this data object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Index">The index to be saved</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns>An empty task</returns>
        Task SetLastProcessedDeltaAsync(Guid Index, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Gets the index of the last delta pushed to the server node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns>the index of the last delta pushed to the server node</returns>
        Task<Guid> GetLastPushedDeltaAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the index of the last delta pushed to the server node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Index">The index to be saved</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns>An empty task</returns>
        Task SetLastPushedDeltaAsync(Guid Index, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete all deltas in the store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns>An empty task</returns>
        Task PurgeDeltasAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);


SaveDeltasAsync :Saves the IEnumerable<IDelta> of deltas in the current store

GetDeltasFromOtherNodes: Gets an IEnumerable<IDelta> of deltas generated by other nodes with indices greater than the start index

GetDeltasAsync: Get all deltas in the store with an index greater than the start index

GetDeltaCountAsync: Gets the count of deltas with indices greater than the start index

GetLastProcessedDeltaAsync: Gets the index of the last delta process by this data object

SetLastProcessedDeltaAsync: Sets the index of the last delta process by this data object

GetLastPushedDeltaAsync: Gets the index of the last delta pushed to the server node

SetLastPushedDeltaAsync(Guid Index, CancellationToken cancellationToken): Sets the index of the last delta pushed to the server node

PurgeDeltasAsync: Delete all deltas in the store

That’s all for this post in the next post we will define the bases classes that implement the interfaces described above

Parts of a Synchronization Framework

Parts of a Synchronization Framework

In the last post, we talked about what are deltas and how by using them we can synchronize data structures.

So, in this post, I will describe the necessary parts needed to implement Delta-based synchronization, let’s start

  • Data Object: any database, object, graph, or file system that we are tracking for synchronization
  • Delta: a delta is a data difference between the original and the current state of a data object
  • Node: is a point of the synchronization network, there are 2 types of nodes
    1. Client node: a node that is able to produce and process deltas
    2. Server node: a node that is used only to exchange deltas, it can optionally process deltas too.
  • Delta Store: storage where you can save deltas so you can later exchange them with other nodes
  • Delta Processor: a utility that helps you includes the deltas created in other nodes in your current copy of the data object

Now let’s implement this concept to synchronize a database

Ok so each database that we want to synchronize will be a client node and a client node should be able to produce and store deltas and to process deltas produced by other nodes, so our database node should look like the following diagram

The server node can be as simple as just delta storage exposed in an HTTP API as you can see in the basic server node diagram or use several delta storages and delta processors as show on the complex server node diagram



And with those diagrams, I finish this post, in the next post we will implement those concepts in C# code

Data synchronization in a few words

Data synchronization in a few words

To Synchronize data is one of the most challenging tasks out there, especially if you are working with LOB applications

There are many ways to synchronize data, the most common technique is to compare records by modification date and then merge the data to create a master record.

Here the main problem is that you have to have a way to compare each type of record, so it gets cumbersome as soon as the number of types in your application begins to grow.

Also, you have to have a log of what gets created and what gets deleted so you can do the same changes on the other nodes

Delta-based synchronization

delta-based synchronization is a problem of identifying “what changed” between each execution of a sync process

A directed delta also called a change, is a sequence of (elementary) change operations which, when applied to one version V1, yields another version V2 (note the correspondence to transaction logs in databases). In computer implementations

In delta synchronization, there are 2 main tasks

  • Record the deltas (or small difference of data between nodes)
  • Transmit these differences to the other nodes so they can process them

Implementing Delta-based synchronization for relational databases

The schema above represents a blog’s database, it’s a really simple schema so its easy to understand, now this is the scenario

We have the main database that we will call “Master” and 2 other databases named client A and client B.

Now let insert data in the master

Each DML statement should be converted in a delta (or a data difference)




Copy deltas Δ 1, Δ 2, Δ 3 to the clients

So, after processing the deltas on each client, the data in all databases should look like the picture below



So that’s it for this post, in the next post we will be examing each part that is necessary to do delta-based synchronization




How to fix “The type initializer for ‘Gdip’ threw an exception” caused by the netcore framework depencency,  when you run a Xaf Blazor App on ubuntu linux 18.04

How to fix “The type initializer for ‘Gdip’ threw an exception” caused by the netcore framework depencency, when you run a Xaf Blazor App on ubuntu linux 18.04

If you are running Xaf Blazor in ubuntu 18.04 you might have seen the following exception

The type initializer for ‘Gdip’ threw an exception.
at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.ActionBase.OnHandleException(Exception e) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.ActionBase.ExecuteCore(Delegate handler, ActionBaseEventArgs eventArgs) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.PopupWindowShowAction.DoExecute(Window window) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.PopupWindowShowAction.DialogController_Accepting(Object sender, DialogControllerAcceptingEventArgs e) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule.DialogController.Accept(SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs args) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule.DialogController.acceptAction_OnExecute(Object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.SimpleAction.RaiseExecute(ActionBaseEventArgs eventArgs) at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.ActionBase.ExecuteCore(Delegate handler, ActionBaseEventArgs eventArgs)

The error is caused by missing dependency, so the DotNet runtime itself will throw that exception. Also, I want to highlight that the exception is not related to XAF, you can read more about this problem here

To get the missing dependency just open a console and run the following commands

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get install -y libgdiplus






How to monitor your aspnet core application on Ubuntu Linux

How to monitor your aspnet core application on Ubuntu Linux

Here are some recommendations to host your new shiny aspnet core app on Linux in this case in Ubuntu 18.04

First, create a user with the name aspnetapp

sudo adduser myaspnetapp


after executing the command, you will have a new folder in your home directory the folder will have the same name as your username so in this case “myaspnetapp”

now let’s SSH to with the new user you just created you can do that using your favorite SSH client, for example, if you are using windows you can use putty

when you log in with the new user you will be in its home folder, now we can create a folder called app with the following command


mkdir app

your folder structure should look like this now


Now we are ready to upload the files. By now should have already compiled and publish your application to run in Linux, if you have not done that yet then you should take a look to this article

There are many options to upload a zip file but I think is the best way is to use the secure copy command from linux “scp”, I won’t explain how you should call the scp command but if you are using windows you can run that command from the WSL console and if you are using Linux the command is already built-in, anyway here is an article about it

Here I will write an example of how the scp command should look like and you adjust it to your needs

scp myaspnetapp@

so that command above will do the following, it will copy the file from the local folder to a server running on the following the IP and the folder “/home/myaspnetapp/app”

now let’s unzip the content of the folder zip with the following command



What we have done so far:

  1. We have created a user in the OS
  2. We have created a folder to host our application within the user home folder
  3. We have uploaded a zip file containing our application the folder “/home/myaspnetapp/app”


Now that the app is already in the server we need to change the permission of the folder where the app lives to 0777, you can learn more about Linux file system permissions here

Creating a service to monitor the app

The next step to monitor our app is to use systemd is an init system that provides many powerful features for starting, stopping, and managing processes.

Let’s start by creating a service file in the following path “/etc/systemd/system/”

You can do that with the following command:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/MyExecutableFile.service


here is how the content of the file should look like



Description=A description of your app


WorkingDirectory=/home/myaspnetapp /app

ExecStart= /home/ myaspnetapp /app/MyExecutableFile


# Restart service after 10 seconds if the dotnet service crashes:



SyslogIdentifier= MyExecutableFile





Here is a little explanation of what you might need to change if the file above

WorkingDirectory: this is the working directory, usually is the same where the app lives

ExecStart: This is the executable file how what will you write here will depend on your application if its self-contained you just need to write the name the full path of the executable file otherwise you need to write the path to the dotnet runtime and then the path to your dll as show below:

/usr/local/bin/dotnet /var/www/helloapp/helloapp.dll

RestartSec: this is the time to wait before trying to restart the app after if the process crashes

SyslogIdentifier: the app identifier for sys logs

User: this is really important since the app will run under this user privileges, so you need to make sure that the user exists and that is able to access the files needed to start the app

That is all that we need for the service file now we need to go back to the console and enable our new service, you can do that with the following command

sudo systemctl enable MyExecutableFile.service

To start and stop the service you can use the following commands

//To Start
sudo systemctl start MyExecutableFile.service

//To Stop
sudo systemctl status MyExecutableFile.service
























Install TestCafe in Ubuntu 18.04

Install TestCafe in Ubuntu 18.04

Lately, I have been playing a lot with TestCafe which is a testing tool for website, there are 2 parts of TestCafe, the first part is TestCafe studio which is a tests editor tool where you can create or edit new tests that will be eventually used in the TestCafe test runner, both TestCafe and the test runner runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

So what we are going to do today is to install TestCafe on Ubuntu Linux 18.04, in this tutorial we will only install the test runner because, in the end, my main goal is to use TestCafe to emulate the load on a server, so let’s get started

First, we need to install NodeJS and NPM, this is kind of tricky depending on your OS version, for example, if you run this command :

sudo apt -y install nodejs

in Ubunto 18.04 you will end up installing NodeJS version 8 something… that’s too old for what we need to do, so first let’s install the latest version of NodeJS, in this case, this is version 12

Installing NodeJS and NPM

1) First, let’s update our repository information

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y upgrade

2) Manually add Node.js APT Repository

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install curl dirmngr apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

3) now let’s install NodeJS

sudo apt -y install nodejs

4) This step is optional, if you want to verify the versions of NodeJS and NPM you can use the following commands:

node --version
npm --version


Installing TestCafe

To install TestCafe you only need to execute one command, so here it is

npm install -g testcafe

That was easy !!!

That is everything for this post, see you!!!




Ubunto add missing resolution (18.04.4 LTS && 20.04 LTS)

Ubunto add missing resolution (18.04.4 LTS && 20.04 LTS)

1) Determine Name of Display

sudo xrandr -q

Determine Name of Display


In my case, I will add the missing resolution to the display HDMI-2 (below you can see that I highlight all the current resolutions for this display)


List of supported resolutions

 List of currently supported resolutions

2) Run command to calculate VESA CVT mode lines by given resolution

cvt 2560 1080 (in this case 2560 is my monitor width and 1080 is the hight, you should replace these values to something that match your current need)

3) Now we need to run the command “sudo xrandr –newmode” and then paste the output value from step 2, in the end, it will look like the snippet below

xrandr --newmode "2560x1080_60.00"  230.00  2560 2720 2992 3424  1080 1083 1093 1120 -hsync +vsync


Add new resolution

4) Now add the newly created mode for your display device, the structure of the command is “xrandr –addmode DisplayId Resolution”, you should replace the DisplayId for the id you got in step 1 and the resolution from what you got in

xrandr –addmode HDMI-2 “2560x1080_60.00”

Add New Resolution To Display

Add New Resolution To Display


5) Set the new resolution

Set The New Resolution

Set The New Resolution

6) So far we added the new resolution and associated it to the monitor that we want, this is not permanent it will just work until you reboot, so to make these changes permanent you need to edit your profile using the following command

gedit ~/.profile


Paste the commands from step 3 and 4 and save the file


Edit Profile To Add Resolution

Edit Profile To Add Resolution